Be Punk.

The more fucks we give about things outside of our control, the less energy we have to focus on the things in our orbit - the things that we give several fucks about.

"I'm so embarrassed by my dog's behavior!" This is a phrase I hear a lot, and hey, it's valid. Sometimes it's instinct to feel our own twinge of reactivity in response to our dog's barking, lunging, and growling show. I get it.

But let's start choosing our fucks wisely.

What's NOT in our control is what others think of us. So, let's not give a fuck about that. Plus, someone else's opinion of us is not our business. Energy saved.

What IS in our control is how we react to our dog's reactivity. So, we take a breath, focus on our dog, shake it off, eat some treats, and continue to slay. This is what we saved our energy for.