Talk To Your Dog!
We know that dogs are cognitively very similar to toddlers in many ways. One of those ways is in their ability to understand our words and expressions.
As captive pets, dogs are dependent on us for all of their basic needs - biological, emotional, and psychological. They look to us for support, guidance, and information about how to navigate the modern world they've found themselves in.
Let's help them out.
Next time your dog sees something in the environment that they're not sure about, think of them as asking you a question. Then answer them.
Your dog hears the garbage truck outside, runs to the door and alert barks. Instead of distracting them or calling them away, try walking to where they are and saying "yep, it's garbage day!" And then do a "go-find it!" treat scatter.
Be reliable and say the same phrase paired with a find-it or something else your dog enjoys to create a pattern.
Do this throughout the day with each activity and with each "question" your dog has.
Some of us probably already do this. Some of us may think "that sounds bananas!"
Just try it. See for yourself!
In creating patterns and routines, we become someone our dog can hang their hat on. We become predictable.
Predictability is a critical component of adaptation and survival. It enables the brain to save time and energy, lowers anxiety, and has a direct correlation with one's feeling of safety in their world and trust in their relationships.
Be your dog's benevolent life guide and narrator in 2022.
Happy New Year!